Jessy: Hockesberghe’s Walc Faithfull Fan
Born 08-05-2019
Place of birth Wehl, Netherlands

Jessy is a young bitch with a lot of pigment around the eyes. She has a shorter neck, her teeth are scissor-like. Her bone is still fully developing, as is her coat. She really has a typical female head. Her topline is good.
Jessy has a lovely character. She was born wagging her tail, always cheerful. She finds people much more important than other things. When she is happy, her whole body shakes and it looks like she is smiling. She has a lot of energy. She is always present. She likes to get attention and to cuddle
She is great with other dogs. She is spirited, but submissive. She loves to lie against another dog. She first looked up Blade a lot, but after Blade died she can be found a lot at Kenji. Those are really good friends.
Jessy tends to constantly climb on chairs and tables which she loves and loves to be outside. She likes to play.
Research Results
Jessy: Hockesberghe's Walc Faithfull Fan
MDR1 N/N ( +/+)
Eye exam rapport: ECVO
25-06-2019 Eyes Clear
11-05-2021 Eyes Clear
30-08-2022 Eyes Clear
30-08-2023 Eyes Clear
Hear examination
14-05-2021 Bear test +/+
HD and ED exam
ED free