Litter of Jessy and Norman/Cooper
As I mentioned before,
Miranda Hoksbergen and I are owners of Jessy together
The puppies that will be born now come under our kennel name.
....From Bobber's Love Of Beauty.
We are very curious about the puppies

Saturday October 1,2022
Because of Jessy's behavior we had a suspicion that Jessy had gone into heat. We checked and indeed Jessy was in heat early.
Fantastic and exciting. We may be entering a busy period again.
Miranda called and the 1st appointment for progesterone injections has been made.
Monday October 3, 2022
Cornelia Loest was also informed, because she has the stud dogs. She wanted us to have a Swab taken before the mating to check that there are no elevated bacteria present so that Jessy would need antibiotics.
The swab was taken at the vet and a few days later the result was out. Everything was good.
Monday October 10, 2022
Progesterone decreased from Jessy and what we already thought was that Jessy would not be ready for breeding yet. Made an appointment for the following progesterone determinations.
Saturday October 15, 2022
Progesterone had risen nicely and were advised that Sunday October 16 would be the right day. Calles Cornelia Loest and agreed with her what time Jessy should be there.
Miranda and Toon went to Belgium together, because we had club championships in Belgium with Ginny.
Sunday October 16, 2022
The mating has been successful. That day there were 2 natural matings. Cornelia Loest and Miranda decided that day that we would use 2 males, both Norman and Cooper.
Both succeeded.
We will only know later which father belongs to which puppy. So that's quite exciting.
Monday 14 November, 2022
Today is the day. The ultrasound is scheduled for 10:30 am. Then we'll know for sure if Jessy is pregnant or not.
The suspicion was already there. Jessy was doing everything the same as before the mating.
She just ate, wasn't more cuddly, but she was a bit more tired and didn't feel like walking. Furthermore, her nipples grew well.
Went to the vet with Miranda to do the ultrasound.
Sure enough...Jessy is pregnant. The vet did check if she could count the puppies, but we'll wait and see.
In the car Cornelia Loest called to bring the great news. Then we informed our men.
Then we drove to the bakery and bought delicious pastries and eaten at home.
We immediately discussed what we still had and what items we still had to buy.

Thursday 17 November 2022, day 33
Miranda and I are going to Geneva with Angelique Handgraaf-Henneman for 4 dog shows in 3 days. We would come home on Monday.
These days Richard took care of the dogs and of course our Jessy. Even Joey and Nikki came here to help.
Tuesday 22 November 2022, day 38
Jessy has gained weight well and her waist size has grown well.
How fast something like that happens in a few days.
She is more energetic with walking than her previous pregnancy.
Sunday 27 November 2022, day 43
Jessy weighed again and she has gained weight. She withdraws every now and then to seek peace. When you come to her she immediately lies on her back to show her beautiful belly.

Friday December 9, 2022, day 54
Jessy is still eating well and walking along with the others, but it is now time to let her out alone. She doesn't run that fast anymore.
She is a bit more restless and sometimes wants to lie behind a cupboard.
Her belly is growing well and I was able to experience that very beautiful feeling again. The feeling of life in Jessy's belly. It remains a wonderful moment.
The groomer is now closed and has been completely cleaned. Whelping box is set up and the nursery is ready.
She's doing very well.

Wednesday December 14, 2022, day 59
Slept with Jessy from Tuesday to Wednesday night, because she was a bit restless and wanted to lie behind the cupboards. We got through the night well, but woke up a lot.
Tuesday morning the temperature was dropping. Then she started having shivers all over her body. Miranda called. Miranda came right away, because last time the delivery went quite fast.
Then the waiting began. Jessy kept shivering, so Miranda didn't dare go home either. Now have food delivered, but still no contractions. In the end Miranda went home at 11.45 pm to get some sleep on the couch. I put down my mattress and went to sleep with Jessy. She also didn't want to eat all day.
Thursday December 15, 2022, day 60
Jessy woke me up at 2:30 am. She was washing herself a lot at the bottom . She also lost blood. Called Miranda and she came right away. The contractions came and the 1st male was born at 6.15 am. Unfortunately, this handsome boy had passed away. Miranda tried to resuscitate and rescue, but to no avail. Very sad.
We didn't have much time to think about it, because male no 2 was born 586 grams. Really big boy. At 8.15 am male no 3 was born. 512 grams also such a big one.
At 8.55 am the 1st bitch was born. 574 gram and 9.45 am bitch no 2 was born, 430 gram.
They immediately drank very well at Mama Jessy's.
Jessy is doing great and is almost the whole time in the whelping box. So they gain weight just fine
What a pleasure again. Lovely to see them lying and drinking with mom.
It's all very natural...Enjoy

Saturday 17-12-2022
Of course I was able to sleep quite well with breaks in between. Miranda comes every time to help or relieve me when I need it.
The puppies are doing well. They are gaining weight and growing nicely. Mama Jessy is really a mama who takes good care of the puppies. She goes out to eat, drink and relieve herself. Then she goes right back in. Super proud of her.
Today I put the good news on FB and unfortunately people have to cancel and called people who were told that they can take a sweet pup home in a while.
We also registered the birth with the Raad van Beheer and with the OESCN.
These sweet babies now all have a kennel name.
So may I introduce you:

Boone From Bobbers Love Of Beauty Boston From Bobbers Love Of Beauty

Breese From Bobbers Love Of Beauty Berlin From Bobbers Love Of Beauty
Tuesday December 20, 2022
The puppies are now 5 days old. They grow in front of you. They really get those little big bellies. They have plenty of food from mama Jessy.
Jessy is doing great. The first 3 days and nights she almost didn't want to leave the whelping box. She just stayed with the puppies.
She's a real mother. When she only hears a sound from her babies, she is immediately in the whelping box. Furthermore, she remains very patient until the puppies have finished drinking.

It's really nice to see them like this. How Jessy treats them and how they become more and more dogs. Pigment is already starting to improve. They can already move well in the whelping box. When mama Jessy comes in they are super fast.
Miranda comes here every day and stays with the puppies for a while. That way she can enjoy it too and I have my hands free to do other things.

Saturday December 24, 2022
The puppies are already 9 days old. They grow so fast. They have doubled their birth weight.

They try to use their feet to walk. That is quite difficult for them.
Their eyes open very slowly. You can already see a small slit that it opens. It won't be long before they hear something.

Jessy is also doing very well. She is very energetic. She responds to every sound the puppies make and then she immediately goes to see what's going on.

We are now slowly moving towards Christmas. No Christmas dinner with family for us this year, but very cozy with a plate on the lap with the pups and Jessy. That is also enjoyment.
We also took some pictures for Christmas with a Santa Claus.

We are really curious, when the eyes open fully and that they can hear. Every day you see something new with the puppies.
Pigment is also starting to develop in the other pups.
We also took swabs for parentage testing. This can take 2 to 3 weeks before it is known.

Wednesday December 28, 2022
The eyes have opened. Always special to see how that goes. First a small part opens, then a slit and then completely. You can look into those eyes so beautifully. The pups can't see much themselves yet, but that's coming slowly.

The other beautiful event is that they start walking. First they try to put their hind legs under their body and if they succeed they stand on it. This is still very shaky. They also fall over regularly. Until they can walk properly. This goes so fast and this is so much fun.
Furthermore, they start interacting with each other, but also with mom Jessy. All so loving. To fall in love with.

Since a few days we have a panda bear in the whelping box. How nice that you can see the comparisons between an Old English Sheepdog puppy and a panda bear.
The puppy buyers are also known. They are all very happy. They all go to people who already have or just had an Old English Sheepdog. We are very happy with and for them.

Christmas this year was different from other years. Normally my brother and father would come to dinner, but we canceled that now. This is because the puppies are still so small.
We kept it small with our own family. Both daughters-in-law couldn't so it was really just the five of us.
Richard had the idea to use the grooming table as a table and then we could sit close to the puppies. Jessy thought it was weird. She thought it smelled very nice. It was a successful Christmas Day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2023
Another week has gone by. We have now had New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. The puppies can now not only see, but also hear.
They haven't had much trouble with that during New Year's Eve.
This too was a different celebration than usual, but that's just enjoyment. New Year's Day we had Chinese food with the children with the puppies. Was fun too.
The eyes are nicely open. Because of this, we found out that Boone From Bobbers Love Of Beauty has a blue eye on the left.

They can already walk quite well and they interact a lot with each other and the toys are also interesting to bite.
Because they grow so well, we made the space bigger. A small space for the whelping box, but that is still quite exciting to get out of that safe box. Plus they also have to cross an obstacle. Pretty difficult all. And then you get out of the whelping box and then you see mom walking well there too. Mama is food so ..... they have to learn that mama can also lie near them. Really so much to learn.

Mama Jessy is still doing great. When she hears the pups, she is right there and starts feeding right away. This is already a bit more painful, because thickenings are already forming where the teeth will soon come through.
They also had some solid food today. They loved it. They quickly ate it. Become more independent each time.
Yesterday we also received the results of the swabs. That was from the ancestry. In all 4, Cooper (Rock Me Amadeus Aus Dem Elbe-Urstromtal) turns out to be the father.
It's a pity, but that's the way it is.

Tuesday, January 10, 2022
Friday and Saturday the new puppy people have been here. This was very nice and cozy. As always there is a lot of talking and cuddling with the puppies, which makes the time pass quickly.
Good feeling with these puppy people. They have all had or still have an Old English Sheepdog. Lots of love for the breed and that does us good.
A nice trusting feeling.
Furthermore, the puppies first practiced eating solid food. They finished this quickly.

Mama Jessy was allowed to lick the little ones clean afterwards.
That went very well. Then the solid food on a flat dish for the four of them to eat from. The bowl was empty very quickly. They also loved this.
A day later a kind of porridge was made. And they ate that from a trough, because they remain neat while eating. Then it was time to sleep, because their bellies were full.

The puppies are hardly in the whelping box anymore. They often lie on the gray vetbed. They play there and still sleep a lot. Mike and I now also occasionally sit with the puppies.
They are almost 4 weeks old so when the other vetbeds come in, we go to the kitchen. We clean up the whelping box and they get a large play area where they can play, sleep and eat.
They can therefore move around more and are even more among people. Socialization is very important.
You notice that they find certain things exciting, so we have to make sure that they are more used to noise.
They also get teeth. One already has 2 teeth and a molar and the other doesn't yet.
Mama Jessy doesn't want to lie down while feeding either. She prefers to stand. So the reduction of milking has also started.

Sunday, January 22, 2023
It's been a while since I've written, but we've also done a lot. The puppies have now moved to the kitchen. They now have a bigger space there. The whelping box has also been cleaned up.
They now also eat from their own bowl. This is fine. They are now on solid food 4 times a day and of course still milk from mom. Jessy really doesn't lie down anymore and stays standing during feeding.
We first took the puppies 1 by 1 to the kitchen and then let the other big ones smell them. This went very well. The big dogs thought it was exciting, but were very enthusiastic. Mama Jessy sat next to me and kept an eye on everything.

The puppy buyers have also all been 2 times to see their babies again. This is very nice and cozy every time. Feels good.
I am now also starting to discover the difference in characters. Breese and Boston are more reserved. They look first and then act. Boone and Berlin are immediately in action and dare much more. They are also a bit busier than the other 2. Boone is also very people-oriented.
Furthermore, in terms of physique, Boston and Breese also resemble each other and they also visit each other a lot. The same goes for Boone and Berlin. So beautiful to see how each dog develops in physique, but also in behavior / character.
Furthermore, while cleaning their run, the puppies have been outside the run where Ginny also walks around. They thought this was quite exciting, because the world is becoming bigger than their own familiar place again.
Boone immediately went to see Ginny to play. The others walked to mom Jessy who lay down, so they could drink with mom.
Ginny thinks it's fantastic. She's like a surrogate mother. She keeps an eye on the puppies and is very sweet to them. Even when the puppies are in the run, she sits next to them on a chair to keep an eye on everything. she would rather join in. Mama Jessy thinks it's fine that Ginny walks with the puppies.

Wednesday, January 25, 2022
The puppies are doing very well. They now eat soaked kibble with drinking at mom Jessy's for dessert. They gain weight well and also have no problems with defecation.
They have fangs, upper and lower incisors are also through. In addition, they have big thick bumps in their mouth, because the molars come through that way. So they bite everything.
They've already been out once. That was very exciting. The world suddenly becomes so big. Also all kinds of sounds other than what they hear inside. As a result, they sought safety together. They recovered quite quickly. Boone and Berlin were the first to explore the area. Pretty soon Breese followed to start walking around. Boston took a little longer to get used to it, but once he got used to it, he also loosened up completely.
Steffi wassink {breeder of Scottish Collies) was here to view the puppies and had her Camera with her. She took beautiful pictures of them.

The chipper of the Raad van Beheer was also here today. He chipped the puppies and took DNA. This went very well. They were very stable and didn't make a sound.
Now Miranda and I can make an appointment with the vet for the 1st vaccination.
This will probably happen next week.
Furthermore, the puppies have now also received a name from their owners.
Boone From Bobbers Love Of Beauty Boston From Bobbers Love Of Beauty
aka Ollie aka Storm

Breese From Bobbers Love Of Beauty Berlin From Bobbers Love Of Beauty
aka Lotje aka Xanty

Sunday, January 29, 2022
The puppies are doing very well. We've also increased their living space in the kitchen by opening up the puppy panels during the day. They love this.
Only in the evening, then we close the puppy panels again and the big ones can reach them again. They usually do not agree with this and therefore make themselves heard.

Last Friday they also got acquainted with the grooming table. They are brushed on it. They thought that was exciting, but they did fine otherwise.
They now also go outside every day with mommy Jessy to play and then go back inside to sleep.
Friday February 3.
They are now 7 weeks old. One more week and then the first one will fly out to their new owners.
It was an exciting week for the little ones. Went to the vet for the first time. There they were weighed, they received a health check and their first vaccination.
Together with Miranda we went there.
Lotje thought it was the most exciting of all. Storm was shivering on the exam table. Xanthy was the most relaxed. After she had the vaccination, she walked around until the others had finished, she was already exploring the place.
Ollie didn't have much of a problem with it either. After the vaccination he went to sleep very relaxed on the examination table.
Luckily everything was fine. Also both testes in the males had descended nicely. There was also no one with an umbilical hernia. So Miranda and I we were happy and content,
It's always nice to hear that things are going well.
On the way back in the car they were still stripped of everything. When they got home they played outside for a while and then went back inside.
That day itself went well. They slept a lot. lotje wasn't very fit and didn't feel like eating much either.
The next morning it was chaos in their puppy room. Diarrhea all over. So they did respond to the vaccination. They also didn't like the food very much. Ollie didn't really have much trouble and lotje the most. They were very active and drank well. The food also got better as the day progressed.
Fortunately, things went better at the end of the day and the next day. At such times you wish you had a 2nd washing machine, but oh well, this will pass.
We also went to Mike's daytime activities on Thursday 2 February. The puppies back in the car. Another adventure.
They were already calmer than the first time.

When they arrived at the daytime activities, they had to wear a dog leash. They always have to get used to that. It itches and it doesn't feel good. Walking on such a leash is therefore always quite a challenge.
Mike and a supervisor helped to get the puppies inside. Mike was super proud. The clients also liked it very much. A number of them also immediately approached the puppies. They took the leash and tried to walk a bit with it.
Some were in a wheelchair and I would lift the pup so they could pet too. The clients loved that the puppies felt so soft.
Some found it super scary and quickly pet them on the back. Quite a win for this client.
The supervisors were, of course, on their knees. They all thought they were cute.
Again Xanthy was relaxed and was already walking with a client. Ollie and Storm were waiting at first and then they too walked towards the people, wagging their tails. All that attention was nice.
Lottie lay still for a moment. Where did I suddenly end up again instead of safely home. All people who want to pet you and talk to you. People you don't know. Pretty exciting
I then took Lotje on my arm and walked with her for a bit and then she also liked it. She was already walking up to people and wagging her tail. Getting bigger is pretty scary. but it will be fine.
The bus drivers came to pick up the clients to take them home and even they had to pet the puppies and give them attention.

After these impressions we went home. There they played outside for a while and then back inside where mom Jessy was very happy waiting for them. They were immediately sniffed and licked clean.
On to the next adventure.

Thursday, February 8, 2023
Sunday 5 February we first had a visit from half-sister Ody. This was very pleasant. Ody was so sweet to the puppies. She was so careful. Ollie also really enjoyed having his half-sister there.
At the end of the afternoon we went to a nursing home. People with memory problems are there. This was a lot of fun for the puppies, us, caretakers and the clients. Everyone enjoyed. The clients thought the puppies were so cute and soft to the touch.
After an hour and a half we went home. The pups were tired and slept at home afterwards.

We took it easy this week, because tomorrow is the day when a puppy will go to its new owner. The weeks have flown by. I remember well when they were born and now they go one by one to their golden basket.
Saying goodbye is always hard for me. How happy I am for the new owners. You are now handing over the care of your puppies and trusting that it is all right.
Even with puppies, you have to learn to let go.
I will name the characters of these champs a bit.
Boone From Bobbers Love Of Beaty aka Ollie,
Ollie was the biggest male at birth and he still is. He is also confident and stable. He quickly recovers from new exciting things and quickly sets off to undertake things. He's a real rascal, but he can be corrected.
He goes to Doesburg and comes to an older buddy. That will do him good. He knows well how to behave with other older bobtails.
We also want to show him and possibly use him as a stud, but we have to see how he develops. He has a light blue and brown eye.

Boston From Bobbers Love Of Beauty aka Storm
Storm was the last male to be born, he was not a little one either. Storm first had to look at everything calmly, only then did he take steps,
However, I have seen him grow these weeks. He waits less and recovers more quickly from new things. It is not yet the case that he will be the first to do things, but he has already become much freer. He is now almost as heavy as his brother and sister.
He is also sweet and likes the big bobtails very much. He would prefer to play with them, but they are still too wild for him.
Storm comes to live alone with his new owners. They are crazy about him and can't wait to pick him up on Saturday.

Breese From Bobbers Love Of Beauty aka Lotje
Lotje was born first as a female. She was also quite large at birth.
Lotje has a very sweet face. You just melt when she looks at you. So sweet,
She is also very gentle and does everything very carefully, except when she doesn't like it anymore then she makes herself heard and also stands up for herself.
Lotje is the most careful in everything and it also takes the longest before she recovers. However, if she trusts it, then the times afterwards she is quick to respond. She just needs a little more time. She has a very sweet character.
She too will live alone with her new owners, but she will eventually be allowed to go with her owner to the animal shelter where her owner works. So she will naturally become freer there.
She will leave us on Monday, on to her golden basket.

Berlin From Bobbers Love Of Beauty aka Xanthy
Xanthy really was born last. She was also the lightest of the four. She still is.
She is very enterprising and recovers very quickly from new things. In many ways she resembles her little brother Ollie. She is also very stable, but also mischievous. She prefers to untie your shoelaces, get caught in your pants and she is very attracted to her mother Jessy. She is often trying her out or provoking her.
She wags her tail almost all day, just like her mother Jessy. It's such a happy puppy. She also has a good character, but she does have a temper.
She will stay with us and we would like to show her. We have to see how she develops first, but fun!!

All 4 of them have that they don't like to be lifted. They prefer to come to you on their own when you are sitting on the floor, they prefer that.
Miranda and I wish you all a very nice life with your new owners. May you have lots of love and happiness in your life. We hope that we can continue to witness this by receiving many photos and videos.
We really enjoyed these 8 weeks. Big hug.
We did well, Miranda Hoksbergen. I want to thank you again for the help with the birth, but also for the moments you stayed with the puppies.
This is also the end of this adventure and the descriptions of my blog.