Xavi: Macoes Kentucky



                Born: 01-02-2020

                Place of birth: Osowiec, Poland




Xavi is a dog with a nice topline. He is also nice and short. Xavi has a broad skull. His pigment is yet to be developed on his right eye. He has a nice long neck and is still busy changing his teeth. Xavi came to us with 16 weeks. In the middle of the Corona era. He is a calm dog, very open character. He is not afraid and is very cheerful. Xavi is very curious about everything he sees and smells, he also takes steps to investigate things. He is also quite independent, loves people. He was immediately well in the pack and knows well where his place is in the pack. Xavi already walks well on the leash and therefore takes his time to view and discover everything well.




Research results

Xavi:  Macoes Kentucky.


               DM N/N

               EIC N/N

               HA N/N

               PCD N/N

              MDR1 N/N ( +/+)


Eye Exam Rapport; ECVO

01-09-2020 Eyes Clear

14-09-2021 Eyes Clear

30-08-2022 Eyes Clear

30-08-2023 Eyes Clear

30-8-2024 Eyes Clear and ICAA Mild


Hearing examination

14-05-2021 Bear test +/+


HD and ED Exam


ED Free


Multi Ocular Defect:  Free


Startle Disease:  Free