Berlin From Bobbers love Of Beauty.


Geboren: 15-12-2024

Geboorteplaats: Wehl


Xanthy is still a young bitch. She looks a lot like her mother in appearance. She is very affectionate, but also has a spicy character.

She is well in the pack. She plays a lot with Indy. This means she doesn't have much hair on her head, because it was all bitten off by Indy.

Xanthy is very fond of me. During the course she was also very focused on me and she did very well.

Xanthy is quite submissive to Xavi and Ginny. She also constantly licks their beards and the others only have to snarl a little and she pees or lies on her back.

Xanthy has a lot of fur, a scissor bite and is still changing her coat.



Research Results


Xanthy: Berlin From Bobbers Love Of Beauty


               DM N/N

               EIC N/N

               HA N/N

               PCD N/N

              MDR1 N/N ( +/+)


Eye Exam Rapport; ECVO

30-8-2024: Eyes Clear and ICAA Free


Hearing examination: 

17-2-2023 Bear test +/+


Multi Ocular Defect: Free


HD and ED exam


ED Free


Startle Disease: Free