Nest Jessy and Xavi
On this page we keep a blog of the entire pregnancy, delivery and developments of the puppies.

Thursday, March 14, 2024
Xavi has been showing very busy behavior for a week. He constantly follows Jessy. He also pees on everything outside.
I just checked on Jessy and it turned out that she has come into heat.
I sent Miranda a message and made an appointment to test progesterone. I first wanted to make an appointment for Monday, but decided to test progesterone on Friday, March 15.
Friday, March 15, 2024
To the vet with Jessy. I had the feeling that she was still very early in her heat cycle. Progesterone tested and a few hours later the vet called. Jessy was already further along with her progesterone than expected. That surprised me, but it was very nice.
Discussed that we would test progesterone again on Saturday morning.
So looking forward to it and also exciting for the period we are heading into.
Monday, March 18, 2024
We also tested progesterone on Saturday, but the value had not yet risen much. That's why we agreed to take another test today.
Jessy is already driving Xavi crazy at home. She now and then holds her tail to the side when Xavi makes a sound.
Xavi is going completely crazy and is very restless. He whines a lot and really wants to go to Jessy.
Tested for progesterone and was later called by the vet.
The advice was to try the first mating in 12 hours.
Miranda came Monday evening. We leave Jessy and Xavi together. Xavi tries to cover Jessy and Jessy remains standing.
Jessy is not quite ready for it yet. And at some point we decide to give it a try early on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday March 19,2024
Miranda is here very early. I put Xavi and Jessy together and very soon there was natural mating and they were paired.

We then discussed that I would go to Miranda with Xavi and Jessy late at night and have Xavi mate Jessy again.
Both were still looking forward to it and not much later a second natural mating with coupling was a fact.
It was a nice mating and Miranda and I had a good feeling about it.
Tuesday April 16,2024
Today was the day. We had scheduled the ultrasound for 1:30 PM.
Once again it was suspected that she was pregnant. Her nipples had grown and were somewhat discolored. Furthermore, Jessy didn't really feel like playing outside with the others and preferred to stay inside or near me. She also sometimes sought peace and quiet somewhere alone.
She also trudged behind you for the last part of the walk, just like during the other 2 pregnancies.
Miranda came here and we went with Jessy to the vet for the ultrasound.
It was immediately clear that she was pregnant, we had seen some puppies, but we could never say exactly how many.

We were again very happy with the confirmation that she is pregnant. Drove home and of course got cake to celebrate.
In 5 weeks the time will already be here. The date is around May 21, 2024 that they are expected. Now it will be a busy period.
First check everything we still have and need to purchase. In addition, I have 3 weeks to trim the dogs in the grooming salon and then it will close for a few weeks.
I'm really looking forward to it again and I'm looking forward to spoiling Jessy and seeing the puppies being born in due course.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Tomorrow Jessy will be 35 days pregnant. She's already getting a bit of a belly. The nipples have also become considerably larger. She is already getting some more food. Tomorrow her food will be increased again. We see that she is getting hungrier. Furthermore, she really likes peace and quiet at the moment and she lets the others know that every now and then. She is still energetic and very happy. She is and remains a bobtail.
Walking goes well at first, but then she follows me and adjusts her pace herself.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Jessy is already 42 days pregnant. She is gaining weight well. Today she started eating 3 times a day, so she gets more but in smaller portions.
Jessy is extremely affectionate and wants attention. When I ask her to show me your tummy, she lies down and carefully turns onto her back.
It is becoming fuller around her nipples and the nipples themselves have grown enormously.
She still likes peace and quiet. She sometimes also looks for a space where she can lie alone. When I ask her to come along, she stays there. So I give her some peace.
While walking she is not really able to progress the last part.
We also received a nice message from Xavi today. He is also free from Multi Ocular Defect. So that's always nice to hear.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Jessy is 55 days pregnant today. I've been extremely busy. The last dogs were trimmed last Tuesday. After that the grooming salon will be closed until the end of July approximately.
I also washed Ginny on Wednesday. She is the daughter of Jessy and Xavi from the 1st litter. Ginny still needed one point for the Dutch Championship, which is why she was registered for 2 shows.
With Ascension Day in Arnhem and Sunday in Zeeland. However, Ginny won her last point in Arnhem. So on Saturday, May 11, I no longer had to wash Ginny and I decided not to go to Zeeland.
On Friday, May 10, air conditioners were installed throughout the house.
On Saturday, May 11, I went to completely clean the maternity room. I cleaned up everything I didn't need and finally put down the whelping box.
the maternity room is ready.

We have also been walking alone with Jessy since last Tuesday. She can no longer keep up with the pace of the other dogs.
She now also sleeps alone in the maternity room at night. Not with the other dogs anymore. She really seeks her peace.
Tonight I sat with her for a while and felt her beautiful belly. There was that wonderful, beautiful emotional feeling......the feeling of life in her
It remains a special moment every time. That makes me so happy.
Starting tomorrow, Jessy will get food 4 times a day. Fortunately she is still eating well.
We are now going to work slowly towards the birth. The other dogs are still being brushed and we are going to enjoy ourselves and get some rest, because I will really need it later.

Thursday, May 16, 2024
Jessy is still eating. She doesn't always feel like eating. Previously, she didn't know how quickly to eat the food. Now she first looks around a bit and then goes to eat.
She now gets a portion 4 times a day.
We still take her for walks alone. She walks very slowly and often just stops to look around. The pace is completely gone.
Since Wednesday she has also been alone a lot. She can just lie with the rest, but she doesn't want that anymore. She really seeks peace and quiet.
Every now and then she also digs on the mat or rugs. She also sleeps a lot.
She is now also temperature checked daily for any precautions. temperature drop.
Her belly has been shaved and her nipples have been cleaned. Every evening we have a nice relaxing moment together. She loves that attention.
She is still the cheerful sweet Jessy.
We're counting down the days.
In this photo Jessy was about 8 weeks old.

Friday, May 17, 2024
Friday night I put my mattress down at Jessy's place and went to sleep with her. She was very restless and wanted to crawl behind everything. She started digging.
She walked back and forth a lot and of course regularly came to lie on the mattress with me.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
We hadn't slept much. She isolated herself every now and then and was introverted. She got shivers all over her body.
Meanwhile Miranda was also here. We could tell she was having expulsion contractions.
She panted a lot and couldn't find peace.
Miranda went home for dinner at 5:30 PM. We agreed that I would text her when there was activity again.
At 8:30 pm she lost water and I texted Miranda. However, she wasn't having many contractions yet and it continued like that. At one point she went into labor contractions and during the examination I felt that the puppy was in the breech position.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The first puppy was born at 12:15 am. It was a male weighing 554 grams. Very well done by Jessy. Quite a large puppy and even in breech position.

However, Jessy lay down in the whelping box with the puppy and was tired. She went to sleep and the labor stalled.
We introduced the male in the hope that the contractions would start again, but that did not happen. I took her outside so she could pee. We took a towel and phone with us in case she gave birth to a puppy outside. We also walked for a while in the hope that the birth would start again.
That was also to no avail.
Called the veterinary clinic at 3:00 am to report that the delivery had stagnated. The veterinary clinic indicated that this was not a problem and that a bitch could take her breaks in between, as long as she did not have prolonged contractions. Jessy didn't have that either. She had three contractions and then it stopped.
Furthermore, the veterinary clinic indicated that there was no one who could make an ultrasound or x-ray and they had already had a caesarean section on a cat, so they had no staff. We could just wait it out.
We then gave Nutri Drops to give Jessy energy, but that didn't help either. Finally, we gave glucose water, so that we would get another energy boost. However, it remained the same. 3 contractions and then it stopped. The contractions were also not strong at all.
At 6:00 am Miranda called the veterinary clinic. And explained the story and that we were sure she still had puppies in her belly.
The assistant consulted with the doctor and he indicated that we could come and that we could be there at 6:30 am. The day shift had now started.
The doctor first examined Jessy. The space was large enough for the puppies to flow through, but he also found that she had no strength in her contractions.
An ultrasound was made. It showed a heartbeat and empty blisters. According to the doctor, the heart rate had already slowed down considerably. Miranda and I immediately indicated that we wanted a caesarean section immediately. The doctor could not guarantee that the puppy would live, because it would also receive anesthesia. But there was no other option, they simply had to act immediately.
Jessy was taken away and Miranda and I just waited. Then the wait will be long. The tension was palpable.
Finally an assistant arrived with 3 puppies. The puppy with the slow heartbeat had survived and turned out to be a male too.
She also had a male and a female in her hand, but they showed no signs of life. Miranda accepted a puppy and immediately started resuscitating/rubbing the puppy. The assistant did that with the male. In between I performed rescue breathing and suctioning. At one point the bitch regained color and the doctor thought she heard a heartbeat.
The assistant went back to Jessy and gave the male to me, so I continued with resuscitation, resuscitation and suctioning.
The bitch changed color again and a doctor took her to give her more medicine and oxygen. The doctor came back with her and Miranda rightly asked the question: When is it time to stop taking it? The doctor indicated that the time had now come. We spent 45 minutes, but unfortunately without any results.
Jessy was brought back and she was doing very well. The doctor indicated that a caesarean section was always a mess in the operating room, but now it was a complete mess. Jessy had a few empty sacs that no longer contained an embryo, but were containing more and more amniotic fluid. These sacs ensured that the puppies could not be expelled and that they were simply crushed to death with pressing.
We were allowed to go home.
When we got home we were very tired. Not just that we were awake day and night, but because of the tension, emotion and powerlessness. We felt defeated.
Fortunately we were able to save a puppy and Jessy, because that could have ended differently.

Tuesday May 21,2024
Miranda and I talked a lot about the event and learned a lot from it.
The boys are gaining weight well and mom Jessy is doing better every day. Today she was a lot calmer in the whelping box. She is walking better now and her wound looks good. She is also a great mother. She responds well to the puppies and does what a mother should do.
We also had to send a few difficult messages to people for whom unfortunately no puppy was available and also happy, cheerful messages to people for whom a puppy was available.
The birth was registered on it4dogs and the males were given a kennel name.
The litter had to start with a C and we chose Disney names for that.
Of course we had already thought of some names. Miranda also saw this and she liked Chester and also Crush. The grandmother of the males is called Hockesberghe's Walc Caitlynn Crush, so it is nice that this is included in her grandson's name.

Chester From Bobbers Love Of Beauty Crush From Bobbers Love Of Beauty
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
The night was quieter than other nights. Jessy is also much more relaxed. She breathes more calmly and hardly pant anymore.
The boys are doing well. They have gained a lot of weight. Yesterday Jessy's mammary glands were still quite hard. This decreased again during the day yesterday. Today they are nice and flexible and it seems like she is having one of those regular days.
We removed the heating plate from the whelping box. They lay down next to it instead of on it. The heat lamp is still on, but it is hanging higher.

Both Chester and Crush often seek the warmth of their mother. They lie against her or on her legs. And when she leaves the whelping box for a moment, they squeak and then really look for mommy Jessy.

Saturday, May 25, 2024
It's been a week today since Mama Jessy started her contractions. On Thursday afternoon we took Jessy to the vet, because the wound did not look completely calm. Of course the puppies had to come along otherwise she wouldn't want to go either. The vet checked her wound and gave antibiotics just to be sure.
Jessy is still not feeling well. She hardly wants to eat, she doesn't even want to eat salmon. Last night and this morning I gave a dose of Nutridrops to gain some strength. She is very alert to her puppies, because they only have to squeak a little and she is already in the whelping box. She is also very vigilant.
The puppies are otherwise doing well. They have already almost doubled their weight. They are very close together. The eyes are already becoming slightly small slits. Just a few more days and then the eyes will open.

The allspice around their mouths and on their noses is already starting to come in nicely. Papa Xavi met his offspring through the window. So nice to see.

Hopefully Jessy will get better soon!!
Monday, May 27, 2024
Jessy will receive the last antibiotics today. She's eating on her own again and she's more of the crazy Jessy she was before.
The puppies are growing well, especially Crush, who has really caught up. Once they have had a drink with their mother, they are satisfied and sleep well.
Every day the eyes open a little more. It will take a few more days and then the ears will open.
I always think it's a beautiful sight to see those sweet beady eyes.

Monday, June 3, 2024
The puppies are 2 weeks old now. They are already starting to walk around in the whelping box. However, this is still very uncontrolled. That's why they fall over quickly.
It's nice to see that there is interaction between the two brothers. They feel each other out with their beaks and also let each other know that they don't like something.
Even though they can't hear anything yet. The ears are not open yet, but the eyes are slowly opening. A little more open every day.
Mom Jessy is still recovering from the caesarean section. She already walks around the block, but at a very leisurely pace. The wound is now almost closed. It looks very peaceful. The wound edges are also nice pink and it is also dry.

They are growing well and are very satisfied after drinking from mom Jessy. They are growing so fast that we have now removed the death bars, because they were almost stuck.
The pigment starts to grow very nicely. Chester's nose is almost completely black. Crush still needs further pigmenting. The upper lip and lower lip of both males are already turning black. It's beautiful how that happens at such a fast pace.

Sunday, June 9, 2024
They are already 3 weeks old today.
We have had another eventful week. The puppies were dewormed on Tuesday. However, Crush reacted quite badly to that. He was nauseous and didn't want to drink. He also had diarrhea that was squirting out.
He really wasn't feeling well. Felt very weak and also lost weight. Finally Crush was fed puppy milk and given Nutridrops. He recovered from this. He became more active again and started drinking again. However, the same story at night. Not wanting to drink, very passive. Then we gave Nutridrops again.
During the morning he started to improve again.

Jessy is still not feeling well and because she is not feeling well and the puppies have been drinking less, milk production decreased rapidly.
They drank at Mama Jessy's for a long time, but gained little or nothing.
Miranda also came here on Wednesday and Thursday to see how the boys were doing. We then also discussed that it would be good to also give Mousse and everything they receive from mom Jessy is a bonus.

They had to taste it and try it out first. it is suddenly very different from milk. However, when they realized it, they found it very tasty and ate it well. Fortunately, they gained weight again. They look good too.
We also put a fence behind the whelping box on Thursday, so that they can get out if they want.
Crush is very enterprising and is already developing a character. He is very confident, sometimes he also cries like a wolf. Crush also prefers to be out of the crate. He probably also finds it a bit warm in there.
Chester, on the other hand, still prefers to be in the whelping box. He thinks it's all fine. He also sleeps a lot. If he gets his food on time, he is very calm. If not, there will be a lot of sound coming from that little body.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
The puppies are growing well. They eat the entire mousse and then drink at Mama Jessy's for dessert. It seems like they are getting bigger every day.
Mama Jessy's wound is almost completely closed. It is closed under the skin, but the top layer is almost closed. She's also feeling a bit better. During the walk we can already walk a slightly longer lap. However, this is moving at a snail pace. If she sees a dog walking outside, she immediately barks. She also keeps a close eye on whether anyone walks to our house and especially no dogs. She's so protective.

Chester also loosens up a bit. He has seen his brother leave the whelping box and he succeeded once. Yet he still hesitates considerably. He likes to be cuddled. And then back in the whelping box.
They have now also been held by others, including our Mike. However, when we hold the puppies for a while, our protective mother comes back and the puppies go wild because they smell her.
The puppy visits are now slowly starting to get going.

They are a bit more awake now. We also added toys to the whelping box. They start playing with it very carefully. This is also first probed with their beak.
Furthermore, the molars have already come through and the teeth are coming through, so they can be quite bothered by that.
We enjoy them every day. They are so nice. Richard will still be home next week and then he has to go back to work. That's a shame.

Thursday, June 20, 2024
It's been a while since I wrote anything. This was because a lot of things had to happen during this period.
Last Sunday the puppies were 4 weeks old.
Richard goes back to work on Monday, so that's one less hand.
The puppies have now moved to the kitchen. We cleaned the area where the puppy pen would be, then we took them upstairs one by one and let the big bobtails smell them.
Of course, the others have heard the puppies all this time, but have not yet seen them. This went very well.
When we put the puppies in the puppy pen, they all came for a sniff and then it was fine. There is a real peace. Mom Jessy accepts that the others lie around the puppy pen and try to make contact with the puppies every now and then.
The puppies do not run freely between the large ones, because they are much too small for that, but they do have contact between the bars.

The mousse they ate has slowly transitioned to soaked chunks. A little less mousse and more kibble every day. They were also given puppy milk every time, but that has now stopped too.
Mom Jessy also goes into the puppy pen and the puppies still get mother's milk. So Jessy is already weaning.
They have also already started teething, so that also hurts the nipples. Jessy sometimes stays in the puppy pen while the puppies are eating. Jessy then licks the bowls empty or plays with her children.
We often go to the puppy pen to play with the puppies. They respond immediately and come to you. They play for a while and then go back to sleep. They still sleep quite a lot. There have already been more visitors and we have planned more visits in the coming days.

The puppies have also been outside for a while. The weather was still nice, so mom Jessy took her puppies outside. They thought it was quite scary. first they went straight to mom's for a drink and then explored the place a bit.
Crush was immediately walking around, while Boaz (Chester) was wheezing. He didn't like it much yet. He recovered quickly and also walked around on the artificial grass.

You can already see the character of the puppies. Crush is confident, stable, recovers very quickly, knows what he wants and cries like a wolf.
Boaz is calmer, sees things first, is focused on people, is recovering but needs more time, he allows a lot until he no longer likes it and then shows it well.
Furthermore, they have been dewormed again. This went well. It didn't bother them much.
Friday, June 29,2024
Another week has passed. The puppies will be 6 weeks old on Sunday. Boaz's owners went to cuddle their Boaz again on Sunday. They had to make a long journey, because they came by train.
Balou's future owners came on Tuesday evening. They were completely happy. Especially because they had to put their bobtail to sleep a while ago. They are happy. Then we are happy too. We think that both Boaz and Balou will get a golden basket.

Crush From Bobbers Love Of Beauty Chester From Bobbers Love Of Beauty
aka Balou aka Boaz
This week Boaz and Balou have been going outside more and more. First introduce them to the big dogs outside and then go to their play area. It was very hot this week, so they went outside early in the morning and inside in the afternoon. They then go outside again for a while in the evening.

They love it. They can run. Climbing through the tunnel. There is a house where they can lie under to hide, toys and a swing.
Furthermore, the chunks are no longer soaked in water. They eat them like this now because they have enough teeth. It still takes some getting used to for them, but they are doing very well.
The chipper from the Raad van Beheer was on Friday. They really didn't like it. They cried out. They also slept for a long time afterwards, because that made quite an impression.
Boaz has become much more enterprising. He also has much more energy than Balou. He runs through the tunnel and is really no longer the waiting puppy. He's becoming a little rascal. He gets distracted very easily while eating. He takes it very calmly. He eats something, then he drinks something, then he eats something again and then he walks around and eats again. He eats calmly and neatly. He often sits on his butt to eat.
Balou, on the other hand, continues to eat and is often the first to empty his bowl. However, he eats very quickly and sometimes has too much in his mouth, causing it to fall out of his mouth next to the bowl. Then he sits with his feet in the bowl again or pulls over the entire bowl. When he has finished his food, he often wants to take some food from his brother.
Furthermore, Balou is much calmer now. He plays well at first and then quickly takes a rest. He really likes the big dogs and would prefer to play with them.

Sunday, July 7, 2024
The last week has come that Balou and Boaz are still here. Next Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, July 14, these sweethearts will leave and go to their own golden basket.
On Tuesday, July 2, the puppies went to the vet for their first vaccination. Together with Miranda and in her car, we went to the vet. They thought that was very strange and made it very clear. They didn't like it much in the car.
The day before I had already practiced walking on a leash a bit, but it was still very exciting.
Boaz recovered very quickly and walked nicely with me. However, Balou didn't like it and Miranda picked him up.
Inside we first weighed the puppies. They were both 5kg so that's good.
Then we waited in the waiting room until the vet came to pick us up. The assistants had already gotten down on their knees to cuddle them.
Then to the vet Balou first on the table. He was examined and everything was fine. Nice and healthy. He did not give a kick during the vaccination and was allowed to leave the table again.
Then it was Boaz's turn. He was also examined and fortunately declared healthy. He found the vaccination a little more exciting.

After they have been vaccinated, I often walk them outside on a leash. First 6 minutes and now that they are 7 weeks old, 7 minutes. It's getting better. They have already seen some things, animals and people. They absolutely loved a corgi, heidewachtel and a Bernese mountain dog. A little girl ran around them and so did the footstep. They just kept wagging their tails and acting happy.
They immediately ran to the attention of people walking by and were completely happy. They were also shocked by a pigeon that flew away just in front of them. They love it.
I now walk about 4 times a day for 7 minutes, and they also sleep a lot in the puppy pen in the kitchen. They are also often in the puppy play area. There is plenty to discover there. They have also been on the swing a few times and Boaz has been in the ball pit. Sometimes they run after each other and through the tunnel. At a certain point they get tired and lie down on the tile, which is nice and cool.
Eating chunks is also fine. Balou continues to eat and finishes everything before Boaz. Boaz is still very distracted. Mama Jessy still feeds them every now and then.
They had their last deworming here last Friday. The only thing Balou had at 6:00 PM was that he didn't want to eat. Boaz also had some diarrhea and did not want to eat at 6 p.m. You could see that Balou and Boaz were not feeling well. The next day it was over.
The owners have come to visit for the last time. They will be picked up next time.
There were also other people over the weekend who wanted to see and cuddle the puppies.
Richard is home this week and then we are going out with the boys. Let's socialize a bit more.
Monday, July 8,2024
Today we continued with toilet training. After they had eaten and been walked, we took the big dogs outside. This allowed us to clean the puppy area. Mom Jessy stayed with them and lay on her side to feed the puppies.
Once we had cleaned everything, the puppies were also allowed to go outside to the play area. The weather was beautiful. In the afternoon we let them sleep in the puppy pen for a while. Then we let them pee outside and went to Mike's day care. They sat on my lap in the front of the bus. That was very exciting again.
Once we arrived at the day care center (often clients with intellectual disabilities), Balou and Boaz walked in nicely on a leash. Clients immediately came over to pet the puppies. The puppies weren't scared at all and were just wagging their tails. A client was making some high-pitched, busy noises. A counselor told him to calm down a bit. I indicated that that was actually good for the puppies. This was only a good learning process for them. They also learned from the way Balou and Boaz were approached. One just wanted to stroke the back of the tail and the other very carefully touched the head with his hand. This is also a great learning experience for the puppies.
Even the supervisors thought they were beautiful puppies and the puppies received all the attention. At one point they lay down and got tired. We then walked back to the bus with Mike and the puppies on a leash and drove home again. This was a successful day for the puppies. They were very free and we were very happy about that. On to the next day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Today was supposed to be a warm day. We placed the crate on the trolley. Then put the puppies in the crate and then started walking. The puppies had to get used to being in the crate. They barked, howled and howled like a wolf for a long time.

We first walked to the primary school. The children had a break there. They saw us coming and all stood at the fence to pet Boaz and Balou. The puppies loved it and waved their tails very loudly. The teacher came and then the children had to go inside because recess was over.
We then continued walking through Wehl. The puppies had to go back into the crate and they still didn't like that.
We went to the DIO drugstore. The owner was always very interested in our dogs, so we took the puppies to her store to show them. She immediately fell in love with Boaz and Balou. She thought it was so nice and sweet that we stopped by.

They had already become quite tired and were feeling hot. We put them back in the crate and walked to my father. We let them drink there and they could play for a while. They were lying comfortably on the tarpaulin in the kitchen. In the meantime we drank coffee.

After we visited my father, we walked home with the crate and puppies. At that moment a young Labrador came running. He loved the puppies. the puppies loved it too. They were all very happy.
Once we got home we gave them water again and put them in the puppy pen. They immediately went to sleep. It was also nice and cool in the kitchen.
On to day 3 of socialization.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Today we went by bus to the Intratuin in Duiven. On the way there they walked around in the crate on the bus.
Once there we walked to the large sliding door. Balou immediately joined in, but Boaz found it very exciting. Finally they were both in the hall. We grabbed a shopping cart and put the puppies in it. They stayed pretty quiet.

They also walked there for a while. A little girl liked them so much and sat on the floor with them. Balou and Boaz actually played with her. At some point we arrived at the restaurant. We had something to drink there and sat down at a point where many people were passing by. There were also many sounds present.

Then we went to look at the water ornaments and the fish. Then they were back in the cart. Finally they lay down in the cart. Even then, the puppies received a lot of attention from people who had previously owned a bobtail, from children and their parents and from the elderly. We walked back to the bus and they were so tired from the impressions and everything that they slept well on the bus. When we got home we put them in the puppy pen so that they could completely relax.

It was another successful day on to day 4.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Thursday morning we went to the Biesemhuis. This is an institution for people with memory disorders. The people were already waiting for us with their activity guides.
Some elderly people held Balou or Boaz and others petted them. The elders loved having the puppies there.
They found the puppies very calm. The puppies also lay down very quietly and felt completely at ease.
They were there for an hour. That was long enough for them too.

On Saturday, July 13, Boaz will go to Friesland and on July 14, Balou will go to Arnhem. We think this is one of the most difficult things that comes with breeding. Letting go of your puppy child and entrusting it to someone else. Even though you know he will get a good home, it is always emotional when they leave.
We did what we could do. We think they are very happy dogs with an open character. When I see how they react to people and animals, our job is done. They have learned not only from us, but also from the large adult dogs.
When we played training sounds on the computer, for example fireworks, the big dogs just stayed there. They did not respond at all, so the puppies remained calm.
Dear Boaz and Balou. I wish you a very good life and may you have a lot of fun with your new owners.
I think you are both great and will certainly miss you. You will always be our puppy children and I hope to hear a lot from you.

Boaz has developed enormously. He used to be the more cautious of the two, but now he is the first to approach people and then wags his tail enormously. He doesn't get tired easily. He can entertain himself very well with a toy.
He is enterprising and very funny. He can also turn his head so beautifully when you say something to him. He is sometimes the mischievous one.
Entering large buildings is still scary, but he is recovering well.
The only disadvantage is that he is distracted while eating and does not always eat his food.

Balou is a somewhat calmer puppy. He takes his rest much earlier than Boaz. He also has a nice, open character. He and his brother are beautiful dogs.
Balou has now become a bit more cautious. However, in large buildings it flows nicely inside. He has a sweet, touching face. He just walks to people.
The advantage for him is that he eats well, but he is a bit potty. He sometimes pushes his paw into the food container so hard that he knocks over both containers of chunks.
They are very fond of each other and sometimes they argue.
We love you both....big kiss and hug.